Key Stats
Miles Explored
Plastics Avoided
Waves Discovered
Shakas Thrown
Miles Explored
Plastics Avoided
Waves Discovered
Shakas Thrown
From an idea to a year-long experiment of eating plant-based, I cover my key learnings from the journey.
Over 2 years of owning a Toyota Tacoma I built 3 different campers in the back of my truck. Here I compile the pros and cons of each, along with recommendations going forward.
I took a month in October/November to adventure the whole West Coast, in search of surf. Here I outline 28 of my favorite spots along the way.
After 9 months of living in Shaka I figured it was time to do a quick and dirty van tour! I’m so stoked on this surf van/ 4x4 truck combo.
In February 2018, I went on an international surf adventure to La Libertad, El Salvador with AST Adventures. It was an epic trip!
After months of research, I added a Yamaha TW 200 dual sport motorcycle to my adventure family. And now, I can’t imagine not having it.