Story 37 | Musician and Yoga Teacher

Gabriella and Sandro (@vanabundos)

"Nobody is ever too busy. If they care, they will make the time."


Gabriella and Sandro were both working a lot in the media business in Zurich, Switzerland. Gabriella worked as a journalist and Sandro was the head of marketing and content. But after several years making a good living and residing in a nice apartment with a rooftop – they realized all they wanted was some relief from the stressful lives they had built.

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So they decided to buy a high top VW Vanagon (that they could stand in) and quit their jobs, abandoning their apartment, minimizing their lives and shipping their van to Seattle – for an overland excursion to Argentina. At first, they thought their trip would be a year & a half, but when that time had passed and they arrived in Colombia, they wanted to continue - so they started working again, online as journalists and content creators. As their work expanded, they professionalized their freelancing into their own written content agency ( – which is unfortunately only in German). They also wrote a eBook after a year of life on the road that answers the 100 most common questions they get about themselves and their journey (vanabundos.coml/ebook).

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Together, they have been able to create a whole new lifestyle that better balances their work with the lives they want. Sandro now enjoys his passion for music as he has been able to complete writing many ofo his songs. Gabriella now pursues her passion for yoga as a teacher and trainer. She also learned how to do Macramé, which she now sells in an online shop and gifts to other overlanders. Other than that: they read a lot and just enjoy having the time to dive into the cultures and countries they’ve spent time in (US, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia).

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To them, slowing down has become a critical element to living a healthy life. “Less is more - I know it's a cliché, but it's true.”

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For more on Gabriella and Sandro’s journey to a reformed life – follow them on their Instagram @vanabundos or their website

Reform Life