Story 11 | Family Businessman and Photographer

Dean (@theskoolie)


Dean was born and raised outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. His interest in creating a functional and private space stemmed from a mixture of his past experiences. Growing up one of five children, he desired a space he could call his own. As an adult home-owner, he realized he was in way over his head when it came to maintaining his house and yard. So, Dean sold his house, bought a bus and now rents a temporary room in a house while he completes renovations.

Dean found his dream home--a bus he named Felicia. His impressive list of renovations to the bus include a propane water heater, stove, space heater, solar electrical system, 40 gallon fresh water tank and a full shower and sink. His creativity and raw skill allowed him to do all of the work himself. Felicia can sleep three comfortably and even has an awesome stereo system plus a smart tv for rainy days spent indoors. As for his favorite addition to the van? Dean can’t live without his domestic ac/dc powered cooler. “So far, it has been on of the best purchases I’ve [ever] made!” Equally as impressive is that all of Dean and Felicia’s electrical needs are supplied by a Windy Nation 400 Wat solar kit and he hardly makes a dent in the battery capacity. 

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Felicia is a recently converted rig so Dean’s journeys have been around the epic state of Utah. “We’ve gone to Escalante, Moab and most recently the Bonneville Salt Flats.” Next up: spending a minimum of one year exploring the continent of North America.

Although Dean’s career has centered mostly around working for his family’s HVAC business, he is excited about his transition into making a living doing what inspires him. He plans to live on the road selling his photography, working remotely, gaining sponsors and working for the nonprofit ThisWorldExists. His current blog,, is a space where Dean shares his experience living a reformed life. Check him out on instagram @theskoolie

OGReform Life