Story 1 | Inspired Surfer

Ryan (@reform_life)


My journey to Reform Life™ started from a lifelong dream of owning a VW Van, which ultimately became true when I finally bought my 1980 VW Vanagon Westfalia, "Shaggie", in 2015.  


After lapping the coast in sheer excitement, I quickly realized the van symbolized something more to me. To pull up anywhere in comfort with my surfboard, skateboard, food, clothes and a bed. The idea of having everything I needed, and nothing else with the freedom to go anywhere. Almost automatically -- I was organically inspired into a year long and thoughtful renovation of my van into a mobile office/home on wheels (from the upholstery -- to the tent, flooring, curtains, cabinetry, headliner, speakers…etc.) until everything had been touched and considered.


Unfortunately in the final stages of my renovation, the engine caught fire on an adventure from a brittle fuel line and provided significant damage to the engine, keeping me out of the van for 6+ months. During this time, I began to rethink— and  recognize the freedom and simplicity the van provided me. So I ultimately made the decision to rebuild "Shaggie" to keep her on the road and embrace what she had taught me. These lessons translated into all aspects of my life; re-inventing my aspirations around success and wealth; in time, relationships, experience and money. 


Since then -- a year later, I've minimized possessions, focused on quality, made a relentless effort to cut back on the distractions of our modern day and make more time for relationships, passions, and my purpose. I also have rebuilt the van's engine and am beginning my journey living a Reformed Life. This new mindset of embracing minimalism, seizing adventure and time has provided me a new template to look at life.

 I hope this movement inspires you to design your own sustainable lifestyle.  Reform Your Life. 

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