Story 28 | Entreprenuers

Tiff and Joe (@livingbythemile)


Tiff, Joe and their two pups Tink & Slash are building their businesses as they make their way through the 48 contiguous states, Canada and Mexico. Their insatiable love for the outdoors and sharing stories with people from all walks of life fuel their passion for living a reformed life.

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The couple met while working in Los Angeles. Two years later, they got married in Joshua Tree and began their new life on the road.

The motivation to live mobile stemmed from their desire to pursue their own dreams. “We spent most of our time working at other people’s dreams. We needed to take a step back and refocus on what it is that motivates us.” As they travel, the duo is focused on entrepreneurial pursuits. Tiff is working on a fitness program for women while Joe builds his writing and photography portfolio. They also work together creating their blog,

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When it came to their dream home on wheels the couple knew what they wanted. Standing upright was a requirement and at 6’1 Joe needed a long wheelbase Sprinter. Comfort is definitely important to the couple who plan to spend two or more years living life on the road.

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So far their journey has taken them through 15 states as they make their way through the contiguous 48. Their trip also includes parts of Canada and Mexico. Having a National Park Pass means they try to visit as many National Parks as they they can and have already spent time in Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain and The Tetons.

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Their main takeaways from living a reformed life? 1. Kindness is reciprocated. Treat others well and they will pass it on to others. 2. Showering daily isn’t necessary

Follow their adventures @livingbythemile

Reform Life